Gakona TRIfesta 2022
Volunteers and spectators at the put-in. Photo by Heidi Hatcher
Johana McMahan
Saturday July 16 brought more of our stormy pseudo-fall weather, with temperatures in the 50’s, rain, and howling wind. The weather, however, did not hinder the hardy and festive participants of the second annual Gakona TRIfesta.
With the course set, rafts staged, face paint applied, and bikes ready, 29 participants approached the starting line in front of the Gakona Lodge. With a thank you to this year’s sponsors by race co-chair Joelle Hepler: Copper River Watershed Project (CRWP), Glennallen Subway, and the Trapper’s Den, a blow of the air horn signaled the TRIfesta was underway!
And they're off! Gakona TRIfesta race start. Photo by Heidi Hatcher
When racing along the Copper River watershed, one must expect hills, and this race possesses hills. The quads may burn if you’ve neglected to bike much, but at the top of the hill the smiling faces at the Larsons’ aide station, along with a quick sip of water gets you through the biking portion as you finish up at the BLM easement near the Gulkana River in Sailors’ Pit.
A participant sees volunteers loading bikes and calling in river entries, while spectators wave and cheer on those racing to their pre-staged non-motorized watercraft. To put on rain gear or a dry-skirt? That is the Girl Scout’s question. However, for most competitors, efficiency and improved transition time wins out, as most don their PFD and jump into their canoe, kayak, raft or tube and paddle their hearts out down the river.
The wind slows a girl down, but music blaring from a Marley speaker lightens the heart, even as muscles tire. With the bridge in sight, the last question the river asks is: what branch will you take? The longer, faster left or the slower, straight-shot right?
Reward comes to those who chose left. Tired arms and fast-asleep legs get helped out of the water by the incredible volunteers there to assist at the take-out and backhaul boats. It’s a strange sensation to run with legs asleep and feet sopping wet. If one chooses to walk instead of running up the massive hill rising above the Gulkana to take you to the Tok Cut-off, then you might have sensation back in your legs and feet by the top.
Photo by Heidi Hatcher
TRIfesta participant on the go.
Photo by Heidi Hatcher
Top Female Finishers Hannah Steck and Judith Lorenz on the race course.
This race has taken our participants over the Gakona River by bike, down the Gulkana River by raft and along the Copper River by foot. A truly scenic and worthy way to spend a Saturday morning!
The finish line was complete with spectators and some racers that actually trained by the time this participant ran in- wet and tired, but thrilled and satisfied. The Gakona TRIfesta would not be what it has become without the incredible community support of those who call Gakona home, as well as the sponsors.
Narwhal spotted coming over the finish line! Photo by Heidi Hatcher
Those who endeavor to participate rise to a unique challenge, where each individual leg of the race may be considered benign, but back-to-back in wind and rain with competitors poised to overtake, poses a formidable challenge.
Funds raised from the event went to support services provided by the CRWP. CRWP executive director Lisa Docken said after the race, “A huge thank you to the incredible Copper Basin community! We look forward to planning this event again next year and many thanks to coordinators Joelle Hepler and Johana McMahan. We are so lucky to have you bringing people together and celebrating our wild spaces in this great watershed!”
Congratulations to our top male finisher Alex McMahan and our top female finishers (who crossed the finish line together) Judith Lorenz and Hannah Steck. Next year’s Gakona TRIfesta is scheduled for Saturday, July 22, 2023. Look for more details in the spring.
Photo by Heidi Hatcher
Alex McMahan leaves the river portion of the TRIfesta and begins the run portion.
Photo by Heidi Hatcher
Salmon and roe ready to race up and down river. L to R Johana McMahan, Sienna Parrish, and Becca Parrish.