Upstream Learning Robotics Students Aim High
Kenton Scribner (L) and Benjamin Hill (R) work on the Upstream Learning robot Snow Rover. Photo by Anna Somers.
By Anna Somers
On December 13, five teenagers from Upstream Learning traveled to Wasilla for a regional robotics competition.
Kenton Scribner, Caleb Hill, Benjamin Hill, John-Owen Ranck, and Mason Heller are homeschool students in grades 8-11 and make up the Tundra Tech robotics team that represented the Copper River School District at Redington High School.
During this tournament, the five-member team displayed their robot, Snow Rover, that they've been working on this school year. Snow Rover is made up of small motors and parts the teens 3D-printed in the Upstream Learning office. They have done their own coding and design to create a robot that can move in all directions, lift and lower itself, and pick up small items (in addition to other tasks).
Benjamin Hill (L) and John-Owen Ranck work on the Upstream Learning robot Snow Rover. Photo by Anna Somers.
The Glennallen students won four out of the five matches they played against other schools, winning their final match by a score of 111 to 102. In January they will have one more opportunity to qualify for the state competition.
Sarah Ranck, mother of team member John-Owen, mentioned how nice it is for students in the community to be involved in a team-building activity that’s not just related to sports. She said she enjoys watching the Tundra Tech team work together because you can’t have just one person who controls the robot. Each student has an integral part to play in the build and in the competitions.
Although the members of the Tundra Tech team do not have official roles, they each work cooperatively in their own areas of expertise. When I watched them prepare for their meet at the Upstream Office the day before their tournament, Caleb was working on the coding, John-Owen on wiring, Mason on the 3D printer, and Ben and Kenton on the actual building and assembly of their robot.
L to R: Mason Heller, John-Owen Ranck, Benjamin Hill and Caleb Hill at work on the Upstream Learning Robot Snow Rover and its code. Photo by Anna Somers.
The robotics team is coached by Mark Proch, the Upstream Learning lead teacher, who also coaches a team in Kenny Lake. The boys who make up the Snow Rover team have been involved in robotics with Mr. Proch for several years, but this is their first time competing as a team at the regional level.
The Copper River Record, Glennallen School, Upstream Learning staff, and community at large wish the Tundra Tech students good luck in January at their next state qualifying event.