
Tidbits from the Headwaters

Al Laudert Corners the Shrimp Art Niche
Artist Profile Michelle McAfee Artist Profile Michelle McAfee

Al Laudert Corners the Shrimp Art Niche

Al Laudert pulls shrimp pots from underwater and heaves them onto the deck of his boat, bobbing near the mouth of the Valdez Harbor. Most shrimpers dump their catch into buckets, then begin processing the shrimp for eating. But Laudert has a different routine with a particular goal in mind: he is auditioning shrimp to play the main characters in his live art photographs. Al Laudert is known as the “Shrimp Whisperer.”

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The Open Air Outhouse
McCarthy Michelle McAfee McCarthy Michelle McAfee

The Open Air Outhouse

My husband has built and sold many outhouses to others in the past and builds them when he needs them for work, but for our own use, that is an entirely different story. For our outhouse, he put the hole in with a culvert and placed a seat on top. That was it.

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